*UPDATE* AIMP v3.00 Build 810 Beta 1
Direkt Download AIMP2 v2.61 Build 570von der Homepageftp://programki.net/aimp/aimp_3.00.810_beta_1.ziphttp://soft.oszone.net/files_soft/aimp/ ... beta_1.ziphttp://letitbit.net/download/29775.233d ... 1.zip.htmlhttp://depositfiles.com/files/0ag5vywmshttp://i-filez.com/downloads/i/58903/f/ ... beta_1.ziphttp://rapidshare.com/files/438436333/a ... beta_1.zipZitat:
Some of the major changes are worth noting:
# A new style of both the program and the project in whole
# Full support for semitransparent textures in the covers
# Our own sound engine (sound output system)
# Completely redesigned the Audio Library
# Full support of the ReplayGain
+ Sound Engine: Our output system, BASS is used now only as decoder
+ Sound Engine: Added ASIO / WASAPI / Direct Sound support
+ Sound Engine: Extended track mixing options
+ Sound Engine: Added 5.1 / 7.1 Channels emulation
+ Sound Engine: Added DTS / TAK formats support
+ Sound Engine: Added OGG files support with multiple track inside
+ Sound Engine: Improved works with *.iso.wv / *.iso.ape files
+ Tags: Increased tags reading speed
+ Tags: Added reading / writing covers to OGG files
+ Tags: Added reading M4A / M4B / MP4 tags
+ Tags: Added reading / writing TTA / OFR / OFS tags
+ Skins: Added full support of semitransparent textures
+ Skins: Tray icon is now depends from skin
+ Skins: Added ability to create round sliders
+ Skins: Added ability to clon gauge and spectrum elements
+ Skins: Added ability to place playlist tabs vertically
+ Skins: Extended elements options
+ Player: New design
+ Player: Added ability of random switching visualizations
+ Player: Added ability to dock player with playlist to the screen edge
+ Player: Added ability to set alternative global hotkeys
+ Player: Added ability to pin player / playlist on the screen edge
+ Player: Expanded tracklist export options
+ Player: Improved options window
+ Player: Plugin manager was moved to options
+ Player: Extented running line animation options
* Player: Main window now isn't frozen on file moving to removable device
+ Playlist: Added "Single playlist mode"
+ Playlist: Added ability to lock playlist from changes
+ Playlist: Added ability to disable auto expanding files by CUE
+ Playlist: Added ability to set individual settings for every playlist
+ Playlist: Added %Up(), %Low(), %Caps(), %Replace() and %Char() macroses
+ Playlist: Categories - Added optional separating template
+ Playlist: Categories - Added ability to expand / collapse them
+ Playlist: Categories - Added information about size and duration
+ Playlist: Categories now couldn't be separated into few parts
* Playlist: "Send to..." - Now you can rename by template options
* Playlist: "Send to..." - Added ability to copy additional files with main files
+ Queue Manager: Added track duration to the table
+ Queue Manager: Added information about total duration of all tracks in the queue
+ Queue Manager: Double-click on track will focus it in the playlist
+ Radio Capture: Added ability to capture stream "as is" (only for MP3 / AAC / AAC+)
+ Radio Capture: Added ability to make CUE sheet file
+ Radio Capture: Extended file split options - by time / by size
+ CoverArt Downloader: Cache previous search results
+ CoverArt Downloader: Cover search now doesn't begin immediately after window shown
+ LastFM Scrobbler: Now works directly with the service
+ LastFM Scrobbler: Scrobbling track from internet radio
+ InfoBar: Added ability to adjust background transparency
+ InfoBar: Added ability to display track cover art
+ Internet Radiostation Catalogue: Added tab "Favourite"
+ Internet Radiostation Catalogue: Integrated to audio library
+ Scheduler: Added smooth volume increasing
+ Icon Library: Added ability to set icon for each format
+ Tag Editor: Renaming one file - now highlight only file name
+ Tag Editor: Renaming by template: added confirmation dialog if file names match
+ Tag Editor: Renaming by template - added ability to work with copy of the file
+ Tag Editor: Added columns: Bitrate / Duration / ID3v1 / ID3v2 / APE / WMA / Vorbis
+ Tag Editor: Field "Track Number / Track Count" was devided into two fields
+ Tag Editor: ReplayGain - added ability to enter values manually
+ Tag Editor: ReplayGain - added ability to autocalculate values
+ Audio Library: Implemented as independent application
+ Audio Library: Quick content filtering among columns values
+ Audio Library: Added ability to group by any columns
+ Audio Library: Added ability to sort on several columns at once
+ Audio Library: Added labels support
+ Audio Library: Added report generation - total duration, favourite artist / album / genre
+ Audio Library: Added ability to filter files by size or/and duration before adding to database
+ Audio Library: Disk number now used for groupping by albums
+ Audio Library: ID3v2.4 separators support
+ Audio Library: Added ability to hide grouping window