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 Betreff des Beitrags: Qtpfsgui - HDR-Imaging und Tonemapping
BeitragVerfasst: Dienstag 28. April 2009, 01:41 

Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49
Beiträge: 8150
Wohnort: am Deich
Qtpfsgui ist eine Grafiksoftware für die Erstellung und Bearbeitung von High-Dynamic-Range-Bildern. Sie ist unter der GPL veröffentlicht und für die Betriebssysteme Linux, Windows, Mac OS X erhältlich. Qtpfsgui unterstützt mehrere High-Dynamic-Range (HDR)- sowie Low-Dynamic-Range (LDR)-Dateiformate.

Portable Qtpfsgui 1.9.3 Bild



Fertige Bilder von Qtpfsgui auf Flickr

Supported HDR formats:

* OpenEXR (extension: exr)
* Radiance RGBE (extension: hdr)
* Tiff formats: 16bit, 32bit (float) and LogLuv (extension: tiff)
* Raw image formats (extension: various)
* PFS native format (extension: pfs)

Supported LDR formats:

* JPEG, PNG, PPM, PBM, TIFF(8 bit)

Supported features:

* Create an HDR file from a set of images (formats: JPEG, TIFF 8bit and 16bit, RAW) of the same scene taken at different exposure setting.
* Save and load HDR images.
* Rotate and resize HDR images.
* Tonemap HDR images.
* Copy exif data between sets of images.

Direkt Downloads
von Sourceforge.net

Qtpfsgui Bild

Windows DLL Package V5 Bild
Qtpfsgui require the updated "Windows DLL Package V5", which contains all the DLLs required to run Qtpfsgui in Windows.


* Performance improvements on MultiCore Machines
* Integrated pfstmo 1.3.x changes, including better Mantiuk performance
* Integration of Exiv 0.18 (tiff write capabilities in the "Copy Exif Data" panel).
* Added Hungarian language (thanks to Peter Gaal)
* Added Indonesian language (thanks to Teddy Widhi Laksono)
* Drag and Drop support for HDR creation/opening
* UI improvements: new icons, cleanup of tonemapping panel
* added detail factor option to the mantiuk06 tmo, thanks to Dejan Beric
* Now using native file saving dialogs on Windows and Mac
* 'Save all' feature in tonemapping dialog.
* Many bugfixes, including the old filename problem
* Integrated pfstmo 1.3.x changes: mantiuk06: Ed Brambley's bug-fix and convergence patch mantiuk06: Ed Brambley's OpenMP patch all: Fixes and optimization - see pfstmo ChangeLog for more information
* Renamed reinhard04 to reinhard05 (src directory and references)
* Improved linux packaging system: docs and html target directories can be specified separately

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