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 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Montag 7. August 2006, 20:33 
Brennmeister ehrenhalber

Registriert: Dienstag 11. Juli 2006, 19:42
Beiträge: 2040
Habe keine DVD-RW,wobei die Budget Rohlinge erfüllen die gleiche Funktion erfüllen :D
Die will keiner haben also pack ich da einfach irgendwas drauf.Die .avi´s die ich letztens draufgepackt laufen auch fast nirgendswo,fast nur bei mir.Daher weg mit den Dingern und dann müssen vernünftige her

 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Dienstag 12. September 2006, 02:04 
Brennmeister ehrenhalber

Registriert: Samstag 24. September 2005, 22:06
Beiträge: 1962 Monday 11th September 2006


* Added: Option of using an auto-generated (where possible) volume label if none as been specified in Build mode.
* Added: Option to auto ignore 'In Use' files during a 'Build'.
* Added: Directories now have their 'Modified' dates preserved in 'Build' mode.
* Added: Log entry to show existing emulation type of boot image (plus other info) on a cd/dvd when using the 'Create Boot Image' feature.
* Added: The 'Sync Cache' command now auto retries when it fails with the error 'Logical unit not ready, Long Write in Progress'.
* Added: If you load an IBQ (ImgBurn Queue) file and one (or more) of the image files don't exist, you can choose to locate them elsewhere - incase you renamed / moved them.
* Added: Ability to add ';1' (known as File Version Number) to the files in the Joliet filesystem. This 'should' only be done for ISO9660 filesystem files but some players are buggy.
* Added: Ability to auto queue images created in Build mode.
* Added: The 'save on exit' option for the log now has the ability to append to an existing log file. The log is now save by default on new/updated installation and is set to append to a single file.
* Added: Additional logging for when the 'Create Boot Image' operation fails.
* Added: Option to apply the 'Delete Image' setting to the other selected images.
* Added: Buttons to the bottom of the queue window for applying the current settings (i.e. those of the first selected image in the list) to all the other selected images.
* Added: Option to sort Queued images by their parent folder name (NOT the full path, just the folder name).
* Added: Info about total number of queued images remaining and total number of copies remaining to the burn queue window.
* Added: An alternative 'Padded' MD5 calculation for when burning + verifying an image on DVD+R media where the drive automatically pads the image so the last sector is divisible by 16.
* Added: Right click the 'Browse' button in the destination box (in build mode) and you'll get an option to swap the drive of the current path - it'll also show you all drive names / sizes (same as how DVD Dec used to do it when you right clicked the actual name).
* Added: 'Stay On Top' to the system menu of the main window. (Left/right click the top left icon in the Windows caption bar).
* Added: ISO Build mode can now be told where to put the DVD Video type content within an image (start/mixed/end) - really only applies to when you also have normal DVDROM content to add to the image - the default is 'mixed'.
* Added: Support for listing the Manufacturer ID of BluRay discs.
* Added: Various options for how often the 'Check for program update' code should run. Choices are: Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly.
* Added: Speeds shown during burn/verify of HD DVD/BD discs should now show the correct relative speeds for that format (rather than being based on 1x DVD speed).
* Added: Support for/detection of new types of media (HD DVD-R DL and BD-R DL)
* Added: Buttons to copy volume labels to the other file systems - i.e. from ISO9660 to Joliet and UDF.
* Added: Info about current status of 'IFO/BUP 32K Padding' option to the image details message box that pops up just before the build starts.
* Added: BD-RE has been added to the existing 'DVD-RAM FastWrite' option. This prevents the drive from performing its own internal write + verification, leaving verification down to the software.
* Added: '/CLOSEINFO' CLI command to allow closing of the application once it has written the info file (based on '/INFO' CLI command).
* Added: '/ROOTFOLDER' CLI command to allow bypassing of the prompt about a single folder representing the root folder.
* Added: '/NOSAVESETTINGS' CLI command to prevent the program from saving the settings when it's closed.
* Added: '/VOLUMELABEL_ISO9660', '/VOLUMELABEL_JOLIET' and '/VOLUMELABEL_UDF' CLI commands for people that like to have different volume labels for each file system in 'Build' mode.
* Added: Build mode can now be passed multiple folders/files via cli using the '/SOURCE' argument and by using pipes ('|') to separate file/folder names within the quotes.
* Added: '%B' to the default IBG file naming options. This is replaced by the date in YYYY/MM/DD format.
* Added: Option of automating the answer ('Yes' or 'No') to the 'Root Content' question in Build mode.
* Added: IBB files now also support the 'Bootable Disc' tab settings in Build mode.
* Added: Option to have the most recently used tab remembered / restored within Build mode.
* Added: Correct sorting of files in the AUDIO_TS folder.
* Added: The uppercase / filtering options for DVD-Video have now been extended to include the AUDIO_TS and JACKET_P folders.
* Added: Warning message to the 'Ignore' button on the 'Create Layer Break Position' window.
* Added/Changed: The 'Create MDS File' option in build mode has been expanded to allow 'Auto' / 'Yes' and 'No' modes. 'Auto' means it'll only be created when there is a need for it.
* Added/Changed: Images built in build mode are now padded so their total size is divisible (exactly) by 16.
* Added/Fixed: Files with the 'Hidden' attribute set are now marked as 'Hidden' within the image file that Build mode creates.
* Changed: The 'Change Volume Label' dialog box has been redesigned so it's more like the one that pops up when you build an image without specifying a name.
* Changed: Some of the pictures on the 'start' buttons have been replaced so they all match. i.e. no more picture of a hdd - it now shows a picture of an image file.
* Changed: The 'Media' tab in ISO Build mode is now hidden when outputting to a 'Device' rather than an 'Image File'. It does not apply when outputting to a 'Device' because it's all automatic.
* Changed: 'Create/Select Layer Break Position' dialog boxes are now resizable.
* Changed: All the 'Media Control Notification' stuff has been rejigged so that windows can detect when the media/media content has been changed if the program isn't doing anything important like burning/erasing etc.
* Changed: The Queue window is now reopened (if appropriate) after inserting the next disc for a queued burn.
* Changed/Fixed: When a build is cancelled and an incomplete file is deleted, the empty folders were also deleted without warning. You're now asked if you want to remove empty directories.
* Fixed: UDF filesystem wasn't using the 'Creation Date' specified in the options for volume dates.
* Fixed: Statusbar stayed showing '0% - Creating Boot Image...' even when it had finished if the boot file was really small.
* Fixed: Verify mode wasn't showing the correct 'progress' values (sectors, size, time etc.) for some CD images.
* Fixed: Layerbreak code in ISO Write mode wasn't correctly being told about fixed layerbreaks - as found on DVD-R DL.
* Fixed: Jumping focus bug when selecting items in the burn queue that had certain option enabled.
* Fixed: It was possible to click the big 'Write' / 'Build' / 'Verify' buttons twice and get 2 lots of threads running doing the same thing. The buttons are now disabled the second they're clicked.
* Fixed: UDF backup anchor could end up in the wrong position due to automatic drive padding on DVD+R when the total image size (in sectors) is not divisible (exactly) by 16.
* Fixed: When doing queued burns (shared between multiple drives), the taskbar button would flash forever until the program was made the foreground app (by clicking on it). Now it stops it flashing once the 'Auto OK' thing has kicked in and it's no longer waiting for user input.
* Fixed: Some of the 'open file' dialog boxes could attempt to take on default file names that they shouldn't have been (i.e. ones internal to the program).
* Fixed: Path names with trailing back slashes weren't accepted/used by build mode when passed using the '/SOURCE' CLI command.
* Fixed: In Build mode, double layer images requiring a lot of padding (to make it 50/50) and at the same time making use of 32k gaps could end up with layer 1 being larger than layer 0 and layerbreak LBA positions shown in the 'Create layer break position' window would be wrong.
* Fixed: Incorrect offset in IFO when a gap was added between IFO and BUP (i.e when there's no, or a small, VOB file).
* Fixed: Some methods of drag + drop weren't working as they should have been.
* Fixed: PECompact virus warning from some AV software.
* Fixed: 'End Of File Reached' error message when verifying some really small images.
* Fixed: 'On Startup' option of setting the 'Build Mode' (i.e. what it outputs to - device/image file) didn't work.
* Fixed: Incorrect custom file/folder times due to daylight savings being applied once within the image and then again by the operating system as the end user views it.

 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Dienstag 12. September 2006, 22:13 
Brennmeister ehrenhalber

Registriert: Samstag 17. September 2005, 22:41
Beiträge: 1302
Danke für Info :aok:

Verein zur Hilfe und Unterstützung gegen den Abmahnwahn
 Betreff des Beitrags: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Mittwoch 14. Februar 2007, 12:45 
Brennmeister ehrenhalber

Registriert: Samstag 24. September 2005, 22:06
Beiträge: 1962
Es gibt wieder eine neue Version (!

http://imgburn.com/index.php?act=download Released: Tuesday 13th February 2007

    * Added: 'Read' mode for basic (sector by sector) creation of images direct from a cd/dvd.
    * Added: Unicode support to everywhere that needs it!
    * Added: An 'AUTO' write speed where you can now have custom write speeds for individual media types/dyes on a drive by drive basis. You can also use things like 'CD-R', 'DVD-R', 'DVD+R' etc.
    * Added: Ability to preview Cells in the Build mode's 'Create layer break position' dialog box (or doing it via Tools -> ISO -> Display IFO Layer Break Position). This uses PgcEdit's little PgcEditPreview.exe file.
    * Added: Option of Standard/DOS/ASCII characters set for ISO9660 file systems. (previously only Standard/ASCII was supported)
    * Added: Ability to build ISO9660 file systems where files can have no extension at all (not even a '.' (dot)).
    * Added: Options to disable warnings when checking 'seamless' or 'don't update ifo/bup files' boxes in the layer break dialog windows.
    * Added: Options to automatically check the 'seamless' and 'don't update ifo/bup files' boxes in the layer break dialog windows.
    * Added: Support for reading/parsing UDF v2.50 - as used on HDDVD / Blu-ray discs.
    * Added: Build mode now has the ability to look for and optimise duplicate files so that only 1 copy of that file actually exists in the ISO/on the disc.
    * Added: /EJECT CLI command.
    * Added: 'Auto Change Book Type' option to the settings. This is only used for LG and Samsung drives. When enabled (default), it will make the program send the appropriate command to tell the drive to booktype the disc to DVDROM at the start of every burn - obviously just for Plus format media -i.e. DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL.
    * Added: Ability to insert a layer break position in the MDS file made by the 'Create DVD MDS File' tool.
    * Added: Early warning message on DVD Video builds where the files are probably too big for the destination DVD media.
    * Added: Checks for people loading '*.000' and '*.ISO' files in Write mode when a '*.DVD' one exists.
    * Added: Ability to burn small images JUST to the first layer on DL media (normally you would split the data between layers).
    * Added: Warning message if user specified layer break differs from that in the loaded *.MDS/*.DVD file.
    * Added: Additional check for file splitting suitability when doing a read/build to hdd using the FAT/FAT32 file system.
    * Added: 'Sector Viewer' button to Read/Verify modes in the 'Source' box.
    * Added: 'Cancel' option when loading an IBQ file and none of the images are in the right place!
    * Added: Files created in Read/Build mode are now (optionally - default = on) pre-allocated. This cuts down on fragmentation.
    * Added: Options to set process priority during Read/Write/Verify.
    * Added: Support for reading hdd partitions to an image file suitable for use as the boot image when building a bootable disc/iso.
    * Added: A button on the 'volume label' windows to have it insert the current date/time in YYYYMMDD_HHMM format.
    * Added: Answer 'Yes' / Answer 'No' options to the 'Don't prompt VIDEO_TS content' option.
    * Added: An optional timeout to the auto volume label window (default is ON and 30 seconds).
    * Added: Layer break positions are now displayed in the main GUI if the MDS/DVD file loaded in Write/Verify mode contained one.
    * Added: Options on the 'Create DVD MDS File' window are now remembered between sessions.
    * Added: The option of preserving full pathnames within MDS files created by Read/Build modes.
    * Added: Improved logging options for files that have their names shortened due to file system limitations / restrictions currently in place.
    * Added: Ability to add device id strings that are really OEM LG / Samsung drives - for use by the 'Auto Change Book Type' feature.
    * Added: New 'Filter Driver Load Order' feature so you can see which drivers all your I/O is going through - and spot ones that could be messing things up. (Available on Windows 2000 and newer)
    * Added: When the book type commands fail, the 'reason' (I/O SenseArea interpretation) is now also displayed in the messagebox.
    * Added: Support for Vista's new 'OnDVDArrival' autoplay stuff - so it now says 'Burn an Image' (using ImgBurn) as an option when you insert a blank DVD. (This had already been implemented for OnCDArrival and I had assumed it would apply to both - it didn't!)
    * Added: Support for showing supported write speeds on CD.
    * Added: Support for identifying DVD+RW DL booktype.
    * Added: 'TOC Information' to the Info panels in all modes.
    * Added: Detection/Identification of 'HD DVD-ROM' etc type drives to the log when ImgBurn first starts.
    * Added: Detection of HD DVD-RW read/write capabilities.
    * Added: Context menu with 'Copy' option on it to the 'Label' field in the 'Previous Image' groupbox on the 'Please insert next disc' window.
    * Added: Message in 'Build' mode when user tries to write an ISO image - where they should probably be using 'Write' mode.
    * Added: 'Free Space' to the info page in build mode - used as part of the 'Calculate' function.
    * Added/Changed: 'Preferred Format Capacity' value to info window for rewritable media. This value is now used during full erase rather than the maximum one.
    * Added/Changed: A little workaround for a glitch in Vista with windows using a non resizable frame under the Aero theme. Pixel 0, 0 is not the absolute top left of the window - making the window appear off the screen.
    * Added/Changed: The shutdown options / API's now use the 'FORCE' flag if ImgBurn detects the computer is 'Locked' - this can be disabled in the settings.
    * Changed: Only the first cell in an angle block is now shown as a potential layer break. Other cells in the block take on the same SPLIP flag as the first.
    * Changed: Check for updates defaults to 'Weekly' now. (Beta versions still do it every time it's started)
    * Changed: 'Time' column header in layer break dialog boxes to say 'Start Time'.
    * Changed: Some of the 'Program Update' code to hopefully reduce the chance of getting a cached response when checking for version updates.
    * Changed: When looking for firmware updates, only the model is now passed to the www.rpc1.org search engine rather than make + model.
    * Changed: On a fresh install, people with over 1GB RAM get a 40MB buffer, not 20MB.
    * Changed: Process priority for Verify mode now defaults to 'Normal'.
    * Changed: Some of the little hdd/cdrom pictures to their XP equivalents.
    * Changed: New images for the column sort arrows shown in the Queue window (Applies to all OS's prior to XP - XP handles arrows by itself). The previous ones were not very clear.
    * Changed: The icon on the DVDInfoPro buttons so it matches the new one used in the latest version of the program.
    * Changed: Samsung 'change book type' screen always used to say the current setting was DVDROM. This was 'forced' because the drive doesn't appear to report the current value. ImgBurn now tells it like it is.
    * Changed: BD-RE Full Erase code now also writes 0's to all the sectors on the disc. Unlike with DVD+RW erase, the drive doesn't do this automatically.
    * Changed: The exe is now compressed using UPX 2.92 (beta). This new version appears to fix the Windows 98 crashing bug that plagued it previously and UPX doesn't suffer from the XP crashes that PECompact does.
    * Changed: Update to using NSIS 2.23 for the installation program.
    * Changed/Fixed: There wasn't anything 'logged' when a file wasn't readable when building an image in 'Build' mode.
    * Changed/Fixed: Errors caught during the sync cache / disc finalisation stages were not taken into consideration when deciding if the burn succeeded/failed.
    * Changed/Fixed: Loads of stuff for Blu-ray media / burning. (BIG Thanks to SVP for letting me borrow a drive!)
    * Changed/Fixed: Some bits for HD DVD media / burning.
    * Changed/Fixed: Now only single session/track data discs can be processed by Read & Verify modes.
    * Changed/Fixed: Unless the user specifically overwrites an image in read/build mode, the MDS file will not overwrite an existing one with the same name - it'll rename / create a new one in the 'filename(x).ext' format.
    * Fixed: IFO parsing code wasn't processing VMGM / VTSM cell info properly (well, ok, at all!) and so they'd show up as non seamless when they shouldn't have in the layer break selection boxes.
    * Fixed: Build mode's layer break code was a little too good at skipping analysis of files it didn't think would work - as such, some perfectly valid potential layer break positions were missing from the dialog box.
    * Fixed: Bad/failed copies in a multi-copy queued burn were not being taken into account when decided whether or not to delete an image based on the 'Delete the image when done' setting.
    * Fixed: The Patin-Couffin I/O interface caused BSOD's on Windows 9x. This is probably due to changes in the driver as 9x used to use different code to NT. ImgBurn now uses the same code for all OS's. Tested with v36.
    * Fixed: UDF Version was displayed using OS's regional setting for a decimal place rather than being fixed as a '.' (dot).
    * Fixed: Drag + Drop of folders into the write queue could lead to duplicates if a .DVD and .ISO were present in the same folder and had the same name (well, first part anyway!).
    * Fixed: Times were wrong in layer break dialog for PGC's using multiple angles.
    * Fixed: Having 'Auto Calculate' enabled messed up builds initiated via CLI.
    * Fixed: The 'Verify Against Image File' option in the settings (Write tab) had no effect on the 'Build' Mode virtual image and so a verify always compared the burnt disc to the original data.
    * Fixed: Just adding VIDEO_TS type files to the source box in Build mode failed to build a DVD Video disc (after you answered 'yes' to say that's what you wanted to do). The operation was aborted instantly.
    * Fixed: /LOG CLI command didn't work if the program was already auto saving the log somewhere due to normal option in the settings (Events tab).
    * Fixed: Pasting text into ISO9660 volume label boxes allowed for characters that should have been restricted (it bypassed the normal checks).
    * Fixed: 'Weekly' and 'Fortnightly' were round the wrong way in the 'check for program update' option drop down box.
    * Fixed: Couldn't just specify a filename (no path) for the /SETTINGS CLI 'File Name' argument. It would save ok but wouldn't load.
    * Fixed: LBA offset was wrong in one of the UDF descriptors if the file descriptors for a given directory spanned multiple sectors. (Some OS's didn't then show all the files)
    * Fixed: Starting the build/write automatically via CLI could mean the autoinsert thread was run after it should have already been terminated. This could cause errors to pop up as the disc continued to burn (so not really damaging anything).
    * Fixed: Memory leak if you used the 'Create DVD MDS File' tool.
    * Fixed: Incorrect decoding of I/O errors when using the 'Write (12)' command.
    * Fixed: A couple of glitches in the GUI on Vista.
    * Fixed: A problem where the MD5 hash wasn't always calculated/displayed in the log after a burn/verify etc.
    * Fixed: The open file dialog boxes now have the places bar down the left hand side on Windows Me.
    * Fixed: 'Chapter' column in layer break dialog boxes was showing a number with a base of 0, instead of with a base of 1 - i.e. it was 1 too low!
    * Fixed: Layer break positions in the list view were only sorted by LBA and those with the same LBA could appear in the wrong order - LU / PGC / Chapter / Cell wise.
    * Fixed: Tools -> ISO -> 'Display IFO Layer break position' could start with part of an internal (to the program) string in the 'file' box.
    * Fixed: Open/Save File dialog boxes were not resizable.
    * Fixed: The AutoPlay (on insert blank cd/dvd) 'Burn Image / Build + Burn Image' entries were passing the drive letter with the '/SOURCE' CLI parameter rather than the '/DEST' one.
    * Fixed: Some memory leaks when closing the program down on Vista (with UAC enabled) due to it not being able to write certain registry entries.
    * Fixed: Lots of error catching code so Borland's internal exceptions are deleted properly and not 'leaked' when the program closes.
    * Fixed: Some issues to do with the 'DVDRAM / BD-RE FastWrite' option.
    * Fixed: Old CD-R/RW drives that don't report the current media properly would cause ImgBurn to prompt the user to select which type of media they wanted to erase - when CD-RW was the only one it could ever be.
    * Fixed: Discovery mode's 'Sectors' box wouldn't accept a large enough number for use on large discs - i.e. HD DVD, Blu-ray.

 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Mittwoch 14. Februar 2007, 12:49 

Registriert: Montag 19. September 2005, 19:19
Beiträge: 13429
danke :up:

PC Adé ... Hab nur noch mein Notebook, meine PS4 und meine DSLR-Ausrüstung :devil: :prost:
 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Mittwoch 14. Februar 2007, 16:36 
Brennmeister ehrenhalber

Registriert: Freitag 23. September 2005, 12:51
Beiträge: 2082
hust, das ist ja mal ein Changelog......

mal auf die neue Read-Funktion gespannt sei...

DVD-Writers in my Stock:
Asus 1814BLT
LiteOn 832S, 1693S, 165P6S, 165H6S, LH20A4H, LH20A4P, iHAP322
Plextor PX712A, PX716A (3x), PX755A (2x), PX760A (2x)
Benq 1655 (2x)
Pioneer A12L, S15L
Optiarc 7173A, 7543A
LG H44L, GH22NP20, GH24NS50, BH10LS30
Samsung S203B, S223C

LiteOn 165H
Yamaha F1S (2x) / PX PREMIUM

Main System
 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Mittwoch 14. Februar 2007, 16:39 
Brennmeister ehrenhalber

Registriert: Dienstag 11. Juli 2006, 19:42
Beiträge: 2040
Wenn das Ding irgendwann mal noch ne Funktion für Audio Cd's bekommen sollte,wird es mein neuer Liebling sein^^
Benutze es immer wieder gerne

 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Mittwoch 14. Februar 2007, 19:28 
Brennmeister ehrenhalber

Registriert: Samstag 17. September 2005, 22:41
Beiträge: 1302
MasterXXL hat geschrieben:
Wenn das Ding irgendwann mal noch ne Funktion für Audio Cd's bekommen sollte,wird es mein neuer Liebling sein^^
Benutze es immer wieder gerne

Dann würde das Programm aber seinem Namen nicht mehr gerecht werden ;)

Verein zur Hilfe und Unterstützung gegen den Abmahnwahn
 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Mittwoch 14. Februar 2007, 19:40 
Brennmeister ehrenhalber

Registriert: Dienstag 11. Juli 2006, 19:42
Beiträge: 2040
Aber es brennt ja auch jetzt schon nicht nur Images ;)

 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Donnerstag 15. Februar 2007, 01:28 
Brennmeister ehrenhalber

Registriert: Freitag 23. September 2005, 12:51
Beiträge: 2082
...man könnte ja auch ein Image einer Audio-CD erstellen. Daten CD´s werden ja auch kopiert, komisch, dass es bei Audio nicht geht..

DVD-Writers in my Stock:
Asus 1814BLT
LiteOn 832S, 1693S, 165P6S, 165H6S, LH20A4H, LH20A4P, iHAP322
Plextor PX712A, PX716A (3x), PX755A (2x), PX760A (2x)
Benq 1655 (2x)
Pioneer A12L, S15L
Optiarc 7173A, 7543A
LG H44L, GH22NP20, GH24NS50, BH10LS30
Samsung S203B, S223C

LiteOn 165H
Yamaha F1S (2x) / PX PREMIUM

Main System
 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Freitag 23. März 2007, 09:40 
Gerade hereingestolpert

Registriert: Montag 21. November 2005, 14:20
Beiträge: 6
Und wieder ein Update!

ImgBurn v2.3.0.0 erschienen.

Change log Released: Thursday 22nd March 2007

* Added: Parsing of the Joliet filesystem (in addition to the existing UDF/ISO9660 parsing) for pin pointing the file where a read error is occuring.
* Added: Ability to have the program use erase/format commands where DVD-RAM and BD-RE disc then give their full capacity to the user data area and do not keep any 'spare areas' for error recovery. (Potentially useful for PS3)
* Added: A little 'Erase' button to the main screen for easy access to disc formatting/erasing functions.
* Added: Support for images with a 2332 byte sector size (Easy CD Creator v5 ?)
* Added: Support for converting a few additional image formats over to the correct format for burning to DVD (Mode1/2048).
* Added: Import / Export of 'Automatic Write Speed' configuration.
* Added/Changed: If Build mode detects the file 'I386\NTLDR', it will automatically enable the ISO9660/Joliet options to allow file names without extensions.
* Changed: When files/folders are dragged + dropped into the source list in Build mode, they're now added to the MRU list - but only if 8 or less items are added at a time.
* Changed: When files added to the source list in Build mode via the 'Browse for file' button, they're now added to the MRU list - but only if 8 or less items are added at a time.
* Fixed: Browsing for (and opening) a file (especially in 'Verify' mode) could fail due to some garbage being appended to the filename.
* Fixed: A potential error when unlocking a volume from exclusive access when locking it had failed in the first place.
* Fixed: File/folder names parsed from the ISO9660 file system could have garbage appended to them if there was no trailing null.
* Fixed: Thread synchronisation issue where MD5 values might then be missing from the Log.
* Fixed: The first cell in an angle block was being ignored and hence never shown in the 'Create Layer Break Position' window. (The first should have been visible, but not the others)
* Fixed: The program displayed the incorrect 'previous' cell in layer break preview if the chosen cell followed one or more interleaved cells.
* Fixed: UDF Filesystem didn't allow for the ';' character in file names.
* Fixed: The 'Don't Prompt VIDEO_TS Content' option wasn't acutally using the answer specifed in the settings.
* Fixed: The Filter Driver Load Order page was listing 'Upper Class Filters - [None Found]' for an item that should have said 'Lower Class Filters - [None Found]'.
* Fixed: The wrong item in the Build mode MRU list could get deleted when the 16 item limit was reached. (Number 8 was deleted rather than number 16)

Download hier

Gruß ScanX

 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Freitag 23. März 2007, 10:41 
Gefällt's hier richtig gut

Registriert: Samstag 29. April 2006, 08:59
Beiträge: 302
Wohnort: im Heim
ScanX hat geschrieben:
Und wieder ein Update!

ImgBurn v2.3.0.0 erschienen.

Danke :-)

Es ist nicht alles Trübsal was man blasen kann ;-)
 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Freitag 23. März 2007, 10:56 

Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49
Beiträge: 8150
Wohnort: am Deich
ScanX hat geschrieben:
ImgBurn v2.3.0.0 erschienen.

THX :aok:

BM Mitglied seit: 2002-02-27

Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.
Johann Nepomuk Nestroy

Auszeichnungen und Preise sind wie Hämorrhoiden. Früher oder später bekommt sie jedes Arschloch.
Billy Wilder
 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Freitag 23. März 2007, 13:04 

Registriert: Sonntag 6. November 2005, 18:37
Beiträge: 557
danke für die info :!:

* Added: Support for images with a 2332 byte sector size

ähm, is das nich normalerweise der RAW-modus?

AMD Phenom II X4 940, Gigabyte GA-MA790FX-DQ6 F7A, 4Gb Kingston HyperX 1066mhz, Sapphire HD4670 passiv, LG H20L 1.03, X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS, Teufel Concept G THX 7.1, Belinea 2485 S1W
 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: ImgBurn aktuell !!!
BeitragVerfasst: Dienstag 10. April 2007, 06:22 

Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49
Beiträge: 8150
Wohnort: am Deich
ImgBurn Released http://www.imgburn.com/

Changes in ImgBurn :

- Added: 'Reset Settings' feature to the 'Options' tab in 'Build' mode.
- Added: 'Read' support for discs (DVDRAM etc) formatted with the FAT16/32 file system.
- Changed: Optimised the file system parsing code.
- Changed: Set default write buffer size to 40MB for people with 1GB of RAM or more (actually set at 980MB rather than 1GB this time).
- Changed: Set default path for IBG files to [APPDATA]\ImgBurn\IBG Files.
- Changed: Set default path for LOG files to [APPDATA]\ImgBurn\Log Files.
- Changed: The little 'DVDInfoPro' icon to the latest one - as taken from the program's exe.
- Changed: Upgraded to NSIS v2.25.
- Changed: Some internal workings of the 'Check For Program Updates' code.
- Fixed: Access Violation error when doing an 'on the fly' DL burn in Build mode.
- Fixed: DVDRAM discs formatted with FAT32 were always seen as 'empty' and so no 'overwrite' prompt was displayed if you tried to write to them.
- Fixed: Old drives that don't report the track mode correctly in the TOC could then read normal Mode1/2048 discs to a Mode1/2352 image.
- Fixed: Problem using numeric keypad to enter a custom number for 'sectors' in Discovery mode.
- Fixed: Tech Spot : a bunch of copy&paste idiots
- Fixed: The layer break preview application wasn't working correctly under win 9x (Problems in the CreateProcess/ShellExecute wrappers).
- Fixed: The stars in the 'Select/Create Layer Break Position' window's list showed some odd graphics corruption under Win9x.
- Fixed: UDF file system parsing code could get stuck in a loop.

BM Mitglied seit: 2002-02-27

Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.
Johann Nepomuk Nestroy

Auszeichnungen und Preise sind wie Hämorrhoiden. Früher oder später bekommt sie jedes Arschloch.
Billy Wilder
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