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 Betreff des Beitrags: DVDInfoPro || aktuell !
BeitragVerfasst: Donnerstag 4. Mai 2006, 21:56 

Registriert: Sonntag 18. September 2005, 14:26
Beiträge: 5345
Wohnort: Wien
DVDInfoPro v.4.61 erschienen ... :!:

Gesegnet seien jene, die nichts zu sagen haben und den Mund halten. (Oscar Wilde) :afraid:
BenQ DW1655, LiteOn LH-20A1S, LiteOn IHAS122, Pioneer DVR-212D, Plextor 755A, Plextor 2410TA, ...
 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: DVDInfoPro aktuell
BeitragVerfasst: Freitag 5. Mai 2006, 03:39 

Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49
Beiträge: 8150
Wohnort: am Deich

Fixed recent hanging issue with Plextor PIPO scanning.
Renamed HD DVD-RW to HD DVD-RAM in line with latest MMC spec
Enhanced the detection of HD DVD media type read/write compatibilty.
Fixed missing string in About window.
Re-write major parts of the device class to accomodate new command functionality
Added "Verify Time" to IBG graph when no "Burn Time" data is available
Changed label of IBG configuration area.
Added some Verify values in place of Write values when no write graph is available in the properties section.
Added "Media Change Notification" disabling for the currently selected drive.
Added "Drive Locking" on the current drive when the PIP0 Function is started.
Fixed a bug if the Vendor and Product ID fields were max sizes, added a space in between the two.
Applied workarounds for errors MAX and END values in some IBG files. These values are now set against the actual data.
This version will set all colour options to default the first time its run due to changes in the saved format.
Fixed some issues with changing colours with settings.
Fixed an ASSERT with the new advert window.
Made changes to IBG graph to add new functionality in latest Imgburn.
Made split scaling in IBG Graph to accomodate upper and lower graph differnces.
Added a "Download ImgBurn" button that takes you directly to the ImgBurn website
Added a bright horizontal line between the upper and lower graph scaling in IBG Graph
Added more tooltips to LED switches on IBG Graph page.
Added Write Buffer Percentage to IBG graph and corresponding LED switch to toggle it on and off
Added Write CPU Percentage to IBG graph and corresponding LED switch to toggle it on and off
Added Verify CPU Percentage to IBG graph and corresponding LED switch to toggle it on and off
Added new box to show the value of the Shift Sampled Position
Added a zero to the scaling in IBG Graph.
Changed the value of the IBG Shift Sampled Position slider from fixed values, to calculated values based on loaded graph.
Changed "Show Graph" in IBG Graph to "Show Write"
Altered Show Write LED Color to Yellow as it should have been.
Added compatibility for VERSION 2 type IBG graphs for a new upcoming feature.

 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: DVDInfoPro aktuell
BeitragVerfasst: Freitag 5. Mai 2006, 13:20 
Brennmeister ehrenhalber

Registriert: Samstag 17. September 2005, 22:41
Beiträge: 1302
THX :aok:

Verein zur Hilfe und Unterstützung gegen den Abmahnwahn
 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: DVDInfoPro aktuell
BeitragVerfasst: Sonntag 7. Januar 2007, 13:15 

Registriert: Sonntag 18. September 2005, 14:26
Beiträge: 5345
Wohnort: Wien
Neue Version 4.626 --> http://www.dvdinfopro.com/

Gesegnet seien jene, die nichts zu sagen haben und den Mund halten. (Oscar Wilde) :afraid:
BenQ DW1655, LiteOn LH-20A1S, LiteOn IHAS122, Pioneer DVR-212D, Plextor 755A, Plextor 2410TA, ...
 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: DVDInfoPro aktuell
BeitragVerfasst: Sonntag 7. Januar 2007, 15:13 
Brennmeister ehrenhalber

Registriert: Montag 16. Oktober 2006, 17:24
Beiträge: 1129
Wohnort: Remsfeld...^^
o.O gar nix von mitbekommen danke für die Info jungs :aok: :love:

 Betreff des Beitrags: AW: DVDInfoPro aktuell
BeitragVerfasst: Mittwoch 10. Januar 2007, 09:17 
Gefällt's hier richtig gut

Registriert: Samstag 15. Oktober 2005, 07:41
Beiträge: 391
4.628.... ist wohl auf Fehlersuche der gute.

 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: Freitag 2. Mai 2008, 01:30 

Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49
Beiträge: 8150
Wohnort: am Deich
*UPDATE* DVDInfoPro 5.01



# New and improved visual interface
# Blu-ray and HD-DVD support
# New System Information feature with accurate cpu speed calculation
# New Samsung PIPO parity scanning
# New Benq fast PIPO scanning for 8x and 16x drives
# New PIPO data & graphical save formats (PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP)
# New Colour options for graphs and plotting via colour picker
# New DVD-RDL, DVD+RDL (Double Layer) support added
# LG, BENQ, NU, NEC, BTC, Liteon, Micro Advantage bitsetting added
# Access to new DVD-R/RW bitsetting functions added by Nu, BTC and Micro Advantage
# New Media revision field added to Media info
# CD/DVD Speed & Error Test functions
# Expanded Drive & Media Info sections.
# Recognition of DDCD, HD-BURN & Mt Rainier technologies
# Check for program update on web feature.
# Regular updates.
# And More...

BM Mitglied seit: 2002-02-27

Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.
Johann Nepomuk Nestroy

Auszeichnungen und Preise sind wie Hämorrhoiden. Früher oder später bekommt sie jedes Arschloch.
Billy Wilder
 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: Freitag 16. Mai 2008, 15:45 

Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49
Beiträge: 8150
Wohnort: am Deich
*UPDATE* DVDInfoPro 5.05



Extend new activation routine further and fix some minor issues with it.
Fix some minor bugs.
Begin work on new code to auto send new media codes in.

Fixed a bug with all parity scanning.If the lower & upper scales were on a fixed scale while scanning,and the lower scale was changed to AutoPeak or AutoAvg the upper scale would also change to auto yet scale selection for the upper graph would stay on its current setting.

Added auto activation
Fixed some minor issues
Fixed an activation problem where keys were being invalidated.

Extended free upgrade back to 1st May 2007
Fixed a problem where Liteon drives may hang on some Controllers
Fixed an issue with Newer Liteon drives (20A3P) not showing jitter.
Fixed an issue where Liteon Average jitter was not showing
Fixed an issue with Liteon Average/Instant radio buttons re-enabling.

BM Mitglied seit: 2002-02-27

Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.
Johann Nepomuk Nestroy

Auszeichnungen und Preise sind wie Hämorrhoiden. Früher oder später bekommt sie jedes Arschloch.
Billy Wilder
 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: Freitag 30. Mai 2008, 12:18 

Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49
Beiträge: 8150
Wohnort: am Deich
*UPDATE* DVDInfoPro 5.06



5.06 Minor bug fixes.

5.05 Extend new activation routine further and fix some minor issues with it.
Fix some minor bugs.
Begin work on new code to auto send new media codes in.

BM Mitglied seit: 2002-02-27

Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.
Johann Nepomuk Nestroy

Auszeichnungen und Preise sind wie Hämorrhoiden. Früher oder später bekommt sie jedes Arschloch.
Billy Wilder
 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: Donnerstag 12. Juni 2008, 16:26 

Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49
Beiträge: 8150
Wohnort: am Deich
*UPDATE* DVDInfoPro 5.07



Bug fixed in 5.02 crept back in where Liteon Avg Jitter was not showing.

BM Mitglied seit: 2002-02-27

Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.
Johann Nepomuk Nestroy

Auszeichnungen und Preise sind wie Hämorrhoiden. Früher oder später bekommt sie jedes Arschloch.
Billy Wilder
 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: DVDInfoPro || aktuell !
BeitragVerfasst: Freitag 6. Februar 2009, 06:25 

Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49
Beiträge: 8150
Wohnort: am Deich
*UPDATE* DVDInfoPro 6.020



Build 6.020
First full version release of V6.0
Fixed some minor text alignment issues

Build 6.011
Fixed a bug causing some BD-ROM media to be incorrecly reported
Fixed some memory leaks

Build 6.000 – 6.010
As there are bugs in the Windows “GlobalMemoryStatusEx” API, I have written my own class to return most of the memory information correctly in System Information. Even though MS states the bugs were fixed in W2k they are clearly not.
Changed the Public Beta so it does not affect any normal version that is installed.
Renamed the radio button “Directory” in “Compare” feature to 'Folder'
Enhanced the “Compare”, “Folder' feature so it now does every file in every folder inside the folder specified.
Enhanced the “Compare” feature to do horizontal scroll in the list window.
New MD5 /SHA hash of a folder (scans all files in all folders)
Wrote new C++ Template class to handle all arrays of any type.
All old fixed sized arrays have been deleted.
Added SHA2-384 and SHA-512 to hashing options.
Fixed some button position & text errors in Cmp, Speed & Error Features.
Fixed a bug that stopped some hard disks showing green plots in HddError test.
New start/end Logical Block Address in PIPO scanning
New “.dip” type save for new features in PIPO, newer ones
Now saved as “.dipx” files.
Read/Write/Load/Save HDD Sectors to “Tools & Utilities”
New Compute MD5 hash of disc to “Tools & Utilities”
New Compute SHA-1 hash of disc to “Tools & Utilities”
New Compute SHA-224 hash of disc to “Tools & Utilities”
New Compute SHA-256 hash of disc to “Tools & Utilities”
New Compute MD5 hash of a file to “Tools & Utilities”
New Compute SHA-1 hash of a file to “Tools & Utilities”
Compute SHA-224 hash of a file to “Tools & Utilities”
New Compute SHA-256 hash of a file to “Tools & Utilities”
New Adaptor Name to network info under System Information
New Description to network info under System Information
New MAC Address to network info under System Information
New Gateway list to network info under System Information
New DHCP servers to network info under System Information
New WINS Primary to network info under System Information
New WINS Secondary to network info under System Information
New Lease Obtained to network info under System Information
New Lease Expires to network info under System Information
New column/row headings for hex displays
New Buffer Editing on “Send Custom Command” Advanced Tool
New double-click to edit on the new Buffer Editor.
New long overdue re-write of program help & documentation
New unlimited custom buffer size on “Send Custom Command”
New progress complete bar added to ‘HDD Error Test’
Added a help button to the PIPO Scanning function.
Send Custom Command” help page updated to reflect additions
Added “Optiarc” drives to PIPO Scan back in again.
Renamed ‘Advanced Commands’ to “Tools & Utilities”
Tools & Utilities are no longer available in trial mode
Improved drive support for “Read Burn Info” Advanced Tool
Removed all READ DVD STRUCT commands from Tools & Utilities as all of them are available via ‘Send Custom Command’
Removed ‘Send INQUIRY command’ from Tools & Utilities’ as it is available from “Example” in ‘Send Custom Command’
Re-arranged Tools & Utilities and removed some headings.
Drive list is now updated if a new drive appears on the system
Drive list is now updated if a drive disappears from the system
Fixed memory size indicator in System Information (MB to GB)
Discontinued support for all OS’s before Windows 2000
Discontinued support for ASPI interface. SPTI only now
Simplified the activation window to its bare necessities
Removed hard drive scanning at start-up, now optical only
Added hard drive scanning when ‘HDD Error Test’ is clicked
Changed buffer in ‘HDD Error Test’ to more optimised amounts
Sped up buffer size testing in ‘HDD Error Test’ considerably
Fixed an issue with DVD-RW media not being seen correctly
Fixed missing midcode in Scan function on some drives
Fixed and alignment glitch in “Media Info”
Fixed a bug where the first HDD could be missed during the scan
Fixed a bug preventing some CD Media being read by MediaInfo
Fixed a bug where if your email changed, Auto Activate may fail
Changed some 64bit integers to unsigned 64 bit integers
Checked & fixed some incorrect buffer sizes for some commands
Altered “Fix Associations” in settings so it also turns auto checking for associations back on again.
Reduced code size from 3.8MB to a little over 2MB !!
Reports of crashing traced to “ismail” cracks installing a virus, so ignored don’t use cracks.

BM Mitglied seit: 2002-02-27

Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.
Johann Nepomuk Nestroy

Auszeichnungen und Preise sind wie Hämorrhoiden. Früher oder später bekommt sie jedes Arschloch.
Billy Wilder
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