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Betreff des Beitrags: VirtualDub || aktuell ! Verfasst: Sonntag 13. August 2006, 12:12 |
Brennmeister ehrenhalber |
Registriert: Samstag 24. September 2005, 22:06 Beiträge: 1962
Letzte Version: Virtual Dub 1.8.7 (stable) Es gibt übrigens von fcchandler eine Version, die auch MPEG2 verarbeitet. Der erste Link...[EDIT: Download Link entfernt, siehe http://www.hardtecs4u.com/?id=1155752011,15953,ht4u.php] Ich konnte auf die Schnelle keine Antwort finden, ob dieser Abmahnblödsinn noch aktuell ist, daher den Downloadlink bitte über Google suchen.
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Sonntag 20. Mai 2007, 11:18 |
Brennmeister ehrenhalber |
Registriert: Samstag 24. September 2005, 22:06 Beiträge: 1962
[Erste Nachricht im Thread aktualisiert]
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Montag 4. Juni 2007, 11:19 |
Brennmeister ehrenhalber |
Registriert: Samstag 24. September 2005, 22:06 Beiträge: 1962
Build 24478 (1.6.19, stable): [June 3, 2007]
Changelog siehe erste Nachricht im Thread.
Alfred E. Neumann
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Sonntag 2. September 2007, 00:00 |
Administrator |
Registriert: Donnerstag 22. September 2005, 20:01 Beiträge: 6113 Wohnort: /etc/
@Lilien lass doch die Changelogs zur übersicht drinne finde das nit verkehrt und aktualisierst halt den Threadnamen jo finde das hammer mit diesen Abmahnungen ich sehe das so das die Marke für nix anderes eingetragen wurde um Kohle durch Abmahnungen zu schlagen da sollte ma wirklich nen Gesetzgeber anfangen zu regulieren für jeden scheiss machen se das ja sonst auch ^^ aber dafür haben wir aber hier ne nette BBCode Funktion für Google . so aber wieder Back to Topic !! eine neue VirtualDub 1.7.3 Experimental ist Relased worden mit folgenden Changes Zitat: Build 28191 (1.7.3, experimental): [August 31, 2007] [features added] * Added display option for showing display debugging info. * Frame rate adjustment can now be entered exactly, including as a rational fraction. * Jobs can now be reloaded for tweaking. * Capture: Added several options for fine-tuning timing issues with DirectShow-based capture drivers. * D3D: Improved bicubic algorithm for ps1.1+ capable cards. * D3DFX: Extended annotation and semantics support -- see help for details. * Hex editor: Now supports drag and drop.
[bugs fixed] * Audio volume dialog didn't display properly after setting volume adjustment to zero in script. * Fixed crash when attempting to use "show decompressed output" when no decompressor is available for the output format. * Added workaround for digital cameras that write incomplete u-law audio formats. * Fixed crash when writing job that uses the Pinnacle DV codec. * Added code to prevent crash when decoding an MJPEG stream where the JPEG images are larger than the frame size reported in the video stream. This now produces an error when the internal decoder is used. * AVI recovery code can now recover AVI files with 'rec' grouping chunks. * Fixed scrambled colors in filter preview with paletted video. * Fixed I/O errors in rare case where an AVI file could not be opened in unbuffered I/O mode. * Implemented mode 7 compression, HAM, and Halfbrite modes in IFF ANIM reader. * Audio display would occasionally stop updating across certain edits. * Output video pane now updates itself after filters are edited. * Fixed minor bug where audio decompression errors would be reported as compression errors. * Fixed a case where audio displacements didn't work with compressed audio and full processing mode. * Perspective video filter now works in batch mode. * Added workaround for strange bit rates being shown on output AVI files in Windows Vista Explorer. * Fixed decoding of AVI files that have zero-byte frames marked as key frames (AVIFile turns these back into non-key frames). * "Sharpen" video filter no longer shows black when filter preview is first opened. * D3DFX: Leaving alpha blending on in an effect no longer scrambles YCbCr decoding. [regressions fixed] * OK and Cancel behaviors on brightness/contrast video filter were swapped. * Fixed crash when loading 8-bit RLE videos. * D3D: Works again on video cards supporting less than pixel shader 3.0. * Added setting value back to sharpen video filter configuration dialog. * Fixed trippy gradient displays when trying to show a solid color for the dummy frame at the end (some display drivers don't handle 1x1 blits correctly). * Capture: Left-click start option works again. 1. Link bei den Treffern anklicken  [google]VirtualDub at Sourceforge[/google] cu Alfred
_________________ "Die Falschheit herrschet, die Hinterlist bei dem feigen Menschengeschlechte."
MBQ I : ASRock Z77 Pro 4 - i7 3770K@4.2GHz - 16GB XMS3@1800- R9 290 Winforce 3xOC - 2*WD1002FAEX@RAID0 + WD2002FAEX - 2*SDSSDHP128GB@RAID0 - Creative Audigy 2ZS - CPU@BQ SP-450 + GPU@BQ PP-CM-730 - PLX2783HSU@74Hz - Arvo + Bloody V7M - Win8.1 Pro WMC 64Bit
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Sonntag 2. September 2007, 03:08 |
Brennmeister ehrenhalber |
Registriert: Samstag 24. September 2005, 22:06 Beiträge: 1962
Es gibt übrigens von fcchandler eine auf VirtualDub
basierende Version, die auch MPEG2 verarbeitet.
Der erste Link...
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Sonntag 23. September 2007, 20:45 |
Brennmeister ehrenhalber |
Registriert: Samstag 24. September 2005, 22:06 Beiträge: 1962
Neue Version: 1.7.4, stable
Zitat: Build 28204 (1.7.4, stable): [September 22, 2007] [bugs fixed] * Fixed bug where frame regions were shifted instead of extended to fix key frame violations in direct video mode. * If a video filter errored out during start phase, already initialized filters didn't receive end calls. * Toggling the "show decompressed video" setting in Fast/Normal Recompress modes could result in a crash.
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Sonntag 30. September 2007, 07:58 |
Moderator |
Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49 Beiträge: 8150 Wohnort: am Deich
*UPDATE* Virtual Dub 1.7.5 (stable)
* Audio display couldn't be opened if the curve editor was open.
* Temporal smoother filter crashed in out of memory conditions.
* Fixed rare cases where WAV reader returned the wrong data.
* Capture: Fixed crash in screen capture driver with video cards that only
support OpenGL 1.0.
* Capture: Screen capture driver sometimes drew garbage cursor before first
cursor change.
* PluginAPI: Default I/P frame model wasn't working.
_________________ BM Mitglied seit: 2002-02-27
Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können. Johann Nepomuk Nestroy
Auszeichnungen und Preise sind wie Hämorrhoiden. Früher oder später bekommt sie jedes Arschloch. Billy Wilder
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Sonntag 14. Oktober 2007, 11:41 |
Moderator |
Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49 Beiträge: 8150 Wohnort: am Deich
*UPDATE* Virtual Dub 1.7.6 (stable)
Zitat: Build 28292 (1.7.6, stable): [October 13, 2007] [bugs fixed] * Cancelling the mode selection dialog for "create test video" didn't cancel the open. * IVTC now works when the video format is non-RGB. * Fixed garbled image when scrolling through an animated GIF in filter preview. * Fixed missing frames when opening animated GIFs with zero delay times in frames. * Fixed sync error when processing VBR audio in Direct mode. * PluginSDK: Not supplying a custom signature caused a sketchy match to be returned instead of full match. * PluginSDK: Fixed API host related crashes in filter preview and IVTC paths. * PluginSDK: Fixed support for VBR audio. * PluginSDK: Fixed handling of internal-decode frames. * PluginSDK: Fixed crash when no video stream is present. * Capture: Video filters were receiving frame times that were 1000x too large.
[regressions fixed] * AMD64: Fixed a pretty nasty stack misalignment issue in the 64-bit build. * Fixed compression issues with WMV9VCM.
_________________ BM Mitglied seit: 2002-02-27
Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können. Johann Nepomuk Nestroy
Auszeichnungen und Preise sind wie Hämorrhoiden. Früher oder später bekommt sie jedes Arschloch. Billy Wilder
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Montag 10. Dezember 2007, 15:58 |
Brennmeister ehrenhalber |
Registriert: Samstag 24. September 2005, 22:06 Beiträge: 1962
Update 1.7.7(Ist noch nicht auf Sourceforge verfügbar(?)) Zitat: Changelog: Build 28312 (1.7.7, stable): [December 9, 2007] [bugs fixed] * Improved accuracy of "set so audio and video durations match" for short clips. * Fixed vertical chroma positioning errors when converting to 4:2:0 or 4:1:0 YCbCr. * PluginSDK: Direct stream copy from a plugin audio stream caused dwStreamSize in the AVI to be set incorrectly. * PluginSDK: Fixed crash when using plugin to load a file with an audio stream that isn't AVI compatible. * Capture: When "wait for OK" was enabled with a DirectShow driver, time spent in the dialog was counted against a time stop condition. * Capture: Fixed crash when an error occurs while starting capture with a custom hotkey.
[regressions fixed] * "Save segmented AVI" no longer crashes when only video is enabled. * Prohibit zero for frame rate adjustment. * Filters: The error return from runProc is ignored again for compatibility with earlier versions of VirtualDub; this fixes some video filters that broke in the 1.7.x series. * D3D: Fixed a display change related crash.
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Mittwoch 27. Februar 2008, 14:04 |
Brennmeister ehrenhalber |
Registriert: Samstag 24. September 2005, 22:06 Beiträge: 1962
Update: VirtualDub ExperimentalZitat: Changes: Build 29393 (1.8.0, experimental): [February 24, 2008] [breaking changes] * The old support for reading "striped AVIs" has been removed.
[features added] * Alternate audio streams in an AVI file can now be chosen. * Added fallback audio decoders for mu-law, A-law, MP2, and MP3 formats. * Video files with audio tracks can also be used for replacing existing audio. * MP3 files without a WAV header can now be used as input. * Added support for writing AVI files with VBR audio. * The default frame rate for loaded image sequences can now be changed in Preferences. * The time knob can be dragged during a preview. * Mark-in and mark-out commands now work during preview. * Added new "time stretch" audio filter. * Increased precision of ratios for audio stretch filters. * Added "zone plate" test video mode. * Changes to the input color format are now reflected in the preview panes. * Added support for non-standard 15fps MPEG-1 video streams. * VBR warning for AVI audio streams can now be toggled in Preferences. * Filters: Can now be toggled on and off in the filter list. * Filters: Fast YCbCr cropping is now supported. * Filters: Flip vertically, grayscale, and resize now support direct planar YCbCr processing. * Filters: Added "convert format" video filter. * Filters: Redesigned color popup; hold down SHIFT. Now works after stretching video window. * Script: Implemented string+int, string+long, and string+double. * Plugins: Input driver plugins can now delegate video decompression to VirtualDub. * Capture: Added /capfilealloc switch to preallocate capture files from the command line. * Hex editor: Now supports Unicode filenames.
[bugs fixed] * Cmdline: Ctrl+C/Break when a render is running also aborts a running script. * If a particular input driver is forced when opening a video, that driver is remembered in a job. * Video filter dialog didn't update the indicated frame sizes properly when deleting a filter. * Fixed slight delay when a rendering job stops. * Optimized AVI frame index code to avoid extreme delay when starting a direct stream mode operation on an AVI file with only one key frame. * Progress bar is now lies less when reindexing large AVI files. * Fixed issue in AVI aggressive recovery algorithm that could cause valid chunks to be missed. * Selection was not properly saved in .vcf files, causing it to be invalid on load if edits had occurred. * Fixed crash when dragging curve points with no video loaded. * Video/audio error mode dialogs weren't properly disabling options not supported for the current input file. * Capture: Video filter list now reflects active capture format. * D3D: Fixed slowdown when bicubic mode is enabled.
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Montag 16. Juni 2008, 15:19 |
Moderator |
Registriert: Montag 10. April 2006, 04:49 Beiträge: 8150 Wohnort: am Deich
*UPDATE* VirtualDub 1.8.1 Build 29808 (stable)
Zitat: Changelist after the jump.
Build 29808 (1.8.1, stable): [June 15, 2008] [features added] * The 'run as job' setting is now saved in the Save AVI dialog. * Added distributed job queue mode. * Added bob and non-interlaced field display modes to render preview. * Added new test video mode: interlaced cube. * Added option to run video compressor in a separate thread for better dual core/SMP performance. * YCbCr resampler is now SSE4.1 optimized. * Added command-line switches for minimizing/maximizing the window on startup and setting process priority. * AMD64: The threshold, grayscale, levels, logo, and brightness/contrast video filters are now available. * Plugins: Fixed bugs with and raised size limits for serialized input plugin options data.
[bugs fixed] * Fixed cases where the crop/letterbox to aspect ratio options in the resize filter were broken. * Fixed another rare crash when exiting filter list dialog. * Fixed Postpone and Delete buttons in job control dialog sometimes not updating when a job state changes. * Fixed swapping of AVI superindex and subindex settings. * Fixed bugs with cropping in filter chain with YUY2 or UYVY formats. * Mouse wheel scrolling with Shift held down (by key frame) now works properly. * Fixed infinite loop when attempting to convert a pal8 source to 4:2:0 YCbCr. * The initial load of AVI files is now faster over a network. * TARGA files are no longer written all black when 32-bit RGB output is used. * Added workaround for "image not in Y or YCbCr format" errors when reading JPEGs from a RAZR V3 phone. * Deleting a filter in the filter list no longer causes the checkboxes to desync from the actual filter enable states. * AVI: Files with truncated hierarchical AVI indices no longer result in "missing 'movi' chunk" errors and can now be recovered. * DV: Fixed decoding issue that resulted in some lost blocks. * DDraw: Fixed occasional crash when another application forces full-screen mode. * Capture: Fixed crash in OpenGL screen capture mode related to occlusion query based frame dropping. * Capture: Fixed hang on shutdown when exiting with OpenGL screen capture mode active.
[regressions fixed] * Fixed crash when a script specifies arguments for a video filter that doesn't take any. * Data rate was reported incorrectly for the video stream in the status dialog. * Fixed audio display. * Fixed crashes and decompression errors with paletted video. * Filter preview no longer shows bogus frames when previewing a filter chain with edits on the timeline and no frame rate changing filters. * Filters: Codec-friendly alignment works in resize filter again.
_________________ BM Mitglied seit: 2002-02-27
Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können. Johann Nepomuk Nestroy
Auszeichnungen und Preise sind wie Hämorrhoiden. Früher oder später bekommt sie jedes Arschloch. Billy Wilder
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Montag 21. Juli 2008, 07:12 |
Brennmeister |
Registriert: Mittwoch 18. Oktober 2006, 13:43 Beiträge: 4340 Wohnort: Hamburg
*Update* VirtualDub 1.8.3 Stable
Zitat: Changelog:
* Fixed issue where main window failed to appear on first start on some systems. * JobControl: Job control dialog now shows machine name and PID. * Filters: Added mOutputFrame field to VDXFilterStateInfo for reliable frame rate change operations. * The window maximized state is also saved in addition to position/size. * Reopening a video file that has multiple audio streams no longer loses secondary streams. * Scene detection now works again when RGB565 or a YCbCr format is selected as the input format. * Input preview didn't start in the correct place if a frame rate changing filter was present. * The picture format tokens (p/P) in the timestamp UI options sometimes started from 1 instead of 0 due to rounding errors. * Fixed stall at frame 0 when attempting to render with a VBR audio stream that has an extremely low data rate. * Filters: Fixed field order swapping in bob doubler. * JobControl: Fixed distributed list sync errors due to mixing up revision numbers when switching job files. * Capture: Process and thread priority are now restored after capture rather than being unilaterally reset to normal/normal. * Fixed audio desyncs with frame rate conversion. * Type-1 DV audio works again. * The video.SetRange() command works in unadjusted source milliseconds again. * Fixed read errors with AVI files that have frames out of order in the index. (Note: This is rare, and often actually a sign of a corrupt index.) * Filters: Filter sampling didn't work correctly if there was a conversion required at the start of the filter. * Capture: Fixed crash in screencap driver with OpenGL capture disabled.
Download der normalen Version
Optimierte 64Bit Version
_________________ "Ein Tag ohne Lachen, ist ein verschenkter Tag."
Charlie Chaplin
Alfred E. Neumann
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Sonntag 10. August 2008, 07:44 |
Administrator |
Registriert: Donnerstag 22. September 2005, 20:01 Beiträge: 6113 Wohnort: /etc/
Update auf 1.8.4 Zitat: * Export > Raw Audio defaults to .mp3 extension when the audio track is in * MPEG layer III format. * Capture: Optimized display code slightly when main window is minimized. * Fixed another crash with uncompressed paletted video. * Fixed several dialogs that had placeholder icons. * "Open shared job list" dialog now shows the correct title. * Fixed shared job list sync errors when using a job file originally saved * from non-shared mode. * Image sequence export jobs didn't reload properly. * Perspective filter no longer shows garbage preview frame before a frame is * sampled. * Capture: The "track active window client area" setting of the screencap * driver is now saved properly. * Capture: Fixed crash when exiting Set Custom Format dialog with no width * or height selected. * DV: Fixed noise when audio switches between 12-bit and 16-bit encoding. * D3D: Fixed wrong-boxing of video when source frame is YCbCr and larger * than screen. * Video > Select Range dialog now works again. It now sets the selection. Download 32Bit VersionDownload 64Bit Versioncu Alfred
_________________ "Die Falschheit herrschet, die Hinterlist bei dem feigen Menschengeschlechte."
MBQ I : ASRock Z77 Pro 4 - i7 3770K@4.2GHz - 16GB XMS3@1800- R9 290 Winforce 3xOC - 2*WD1002FAEX@RAID0 + WD2002FAEX - 2*SDSSDHP128GB@RAID0 - Creative Audigy 2ZS - CPU@BQ SP-450 + GPU@BQ PP-CM-730 - PLX2783HSU@74Hz - Arvo + Bloody V7M - Win8.1 Pro WMC 64Bit
Alfred E. Neumann
Betreff des Beitrags: Verfasst: Montag 18. August 2008, 06:47 |
Administrator |
Registriert: Donnerstag 22. September 2005, 20:01 Beiträge: 6113 Wohnort: /etc/
Bugfix Release !! Zitat: [bugs fixed] * Capture: Fixed a possible crash when loading device settings.
[regressions fixed] * Video filters which used GDI rendering in in-place mode but only requested a DC for one buffer now work. Download 32Bit VersionDownload 64Bit Versioncu Alfred
_________________ "Die Falschheit herrschet, die Hinterlist bei dem feigen Menschengeschlechte."
MBQ I : ASRock Z77 Pro 4 - i7 3770K@4.2GHz - 16GB XMS3@1800- R9 290 Winforce 3xOC - 2*WD1002FAEX@RAID0 + WD2002FAEX - 2*SDSSDHP128GB@RAID0 - Creative Audigy 2ZS - CPU@BQ SP-450 + GPU@BQ PP-CM-730 - PLX2783HSU@74Hz - Arvo + Bloody V7M - Win8.1 Pro WMC 64Bit
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